Additional Comments
064825986.pdf064825986MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7a
E&O agenda item 7aEngineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7a
064826208.pdf064826208MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to OP&T agenda item 5b
OP&T agenda item 5bOrganization, Personnel and Technology Committee
presentation related to OP&T agenda item 5b
064825966.pdf064825966MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to C&L agenda item 6d
C&L agenda item 6dCommunications and Legislation Committee
presentation related to C&L agenda item 6d
064826234.pdf064826234MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to IRP agenda item 4d
IRP agenda item 4dIntegrated Resources Plan Committee
presentation related to IRP agenda item 4d
064825968.pdf064825968MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to C&L agenda item 6e
C&L agenda item 6eCommunications and Legislation Committee
presentation related to C&L agenda item 6e
064826228.pdf064826228MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to Bay-Delta agenda item 3b
Bay-Delta agenda item 3bSpecial Committee on Bay-Delta
presentation related to Bay-Delta agenda item 3b
064826220.pdf064826220MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to A&IR agenda item 4a
A&IR agenda item 4aAgriculture and Industry Relations Committee
presentation related to A&IR agenda item 4a
064826196.pdf064826196MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 8-1
E&O agenda item 8-1Engineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 8-1
064826214.pdf064826214MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to WP&S agenda item 6c
WP&S agenda item 6cWater Planning and Stewardship Committee
presentation related to WP&S agenda item 6c
064825964.pdf064825964MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to C&L agenda item 6c
C&L agenda item 6cCommunications and Legislation Committee
presentation related to C&L agenda item 6c
064826224.pdf064826224MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to A&IR agenda item 4c
A&IR agenda item 4cAgriculture and Industry Relations Committee
presentation related to A&IR agenda item 4c
064825970.pdf064825970MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7-1
E&O agenda item 7-1Engineering and Operations Committee
presentation related t E&O agenda item 7-1
064826230.pdf064826230MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to Bay-Delta agenda item 3c
Bay-Delta agenda item 3cSpecial Committee on Bay-Delta
presentation related to Bay-Delta agenda item 3c
064826202.pdf064826202MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to F&I agenda item 6b
F&I agenda item 6bFinance and Insurance Committee
presentation related to F&I agenda item 6b
064825980.pdf064825980MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7-3
E&O agenda item 7-3Engineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7-3
064826232.pdf064826232MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to IRP agenda item 4a
IRP agenda item 4aIntegrated Resources Plan Committee
presentation related to IRP agenda item 4a
064826226.pdf064826226MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to Bay-Delta agenda item 3a
Bay-Delta agenda item 3aSpecial Committee on Bay-Delta
presentation related to Bay-Delta agenda item 3a
064826210.pdf064826210MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to WP&S agenda item 6a
WP&S agenda item 6aWater Planning and Stewardship Committee
presentation related to WP&S agenda item 6a
064826200.pdf064826200MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to F&I agenda item 6a
F&I agenda item 6aFinance and Insurance Committee
presentation related to F&I agenda item 6a
064826204.pdf064826204MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to F&I agend item 9-1
F&I agend item 9-1Finance and Insurance Committee
presentation related to F&I agend item 9-1
064826222.pdf064826222MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to A&IR agenda item 4b
A&IR agenda item 4bAgriculture and Industry Relations Committee
presentation related to A&IR agenda item 4b
064826206.pdf064826206MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to OP&T agenda item 5a
OP&T agenda item 5aOrganization, Personnel and Technology Committee
presentation related to OP&T agenda item 5a
064825972.pdf064825972MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7-2
E&O agenda item 7-2Engineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7-2
064826198.pdf064826198MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 8-2
E&O agenda item 8-2Engineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 8-2
064826194.pdf064826194MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7b
E&O agenda item 7bEngineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7b
064826218.pdf064826218MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to BOD agenda item 10-1
BOD agenda item 10-1Board of Directors
presentation related to BOD agenda item 10-1
064826212.pdf064826212MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to WP&S agenda item 6b
WP&S agenda item 6bWater Planning and Stewardship Committee
presentation related to WP&S agenda item 6b
064826216.pdf064826216MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to WP&S agenda item 7b
WP&S agenda item 7bWater Planning and Stewardship Committee
presentation related to WP&S agenda item 7b