Additional Comments
Resolution 9276 - Iron Mountain Landfill.pdfResolution 9276 - Iron Mountain LandfillMWD/Board  of Directors
Resolution related to BOD agenda item 7-2 - Adopt a resolution authorizing moneys in the Iron Mountain Landfill Closure/Postclosure Maintenance Fund to be used to pay for potential non-water corrective action activities...
BOD agenda item 7-2Board Meeting
...and amend Administrative Code Sections 5200 and 5201 to reflect the change
Resolution 9277 - Fixing and adopting a readiness-to-serve charge effective January 1, 2022.pdfResolution 9277 - Fixing and adopting a readiness-to-serve charge effective January 1, 2022MWD/Board of Directors
Resolution related to BOD agenda item 7-1 -  Approve resolutions fixing and adopting a Readiness-to-Serve Charge and a Capacity Charge for calendar year 2022
BOD agenda item 7-1Board Meeting
Resolution 9278 - Fixing and Adopting a Capacity Charge Effective January 1, 2022.pdfResolution 9278 - Fixing and Adopting a Capacity Charge Effective January 1, 2022MWD/Board of Directors
Resolution related to BOD agenda item 7-1 - Approve resolutions fixing and adopting a Readiness-to-Serve Charge and a Capacity Charge for calendar year 2022
BOD agenda item 7-1Board Meeting