Additional Comments
064801531.pdf064801531MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7a
E&O agenda item 7aEngineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7a
064801571.pdf064801571MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to RP&AM agenda item 6a
RP&AM agenda item 6aReal Property and Asset Management Committee
presentation related to RP&AM agenda item 6a
064801567.pdf064801567MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to Bay-Delta agenda item 3a
Bay-Delta agenda item 3aSpecial Committee on Bay-Delta
presentation related to Bay-Delta agenda item 3a
064801537.pdf064801537MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 8-3
E&O agenda item 8-3Engineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 8-3
064801549.pdf064801549MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to F&I agenda item 8-1
F&I agenda item 8-1Finance and Insurance Committee
presentation related to F&I agenda item 8-1
064801547.pdf064801547MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to F&I agenda item 7a
F&I agenda item 7aFinance and Insurance Committee
presentation related to F&I agenda item 7a
064801543.pdf064801543MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to F&I agenda item 3a
F&I agenda item 3aFinance and Insurance Committee
presentation related to F&I agenda item 3a
064801561.pdf064801561MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to C&L agenda item 6a
C&L agenda item 6aCommunications and Legislation Committee
presentation related to C&L agenda item 6a
064801525.pdf064801525MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7-3
E&O agenda item 7-3Engineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7-3
064801551.pdf064801551MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to OP&T agenda item 6a
OP&T agenda item 6aOrganization, Personnel and Technology Committee
presentation related to OP&T agenda item 6a
064801545.pdf064801545MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to F&I agenda item 3b
F&I agenda item 3bFinance and Insurance Committee
presentation related to F&I agenda item 3b
064801535.pdf064801535MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 8-2
E&O agenda item 8-2Engineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 8-2
064801553.pdf064801553MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to OP&T agenda item 6b
OP&T agenda item 6bOrganization, Personnel and Technology Committee
presentation related to OP&T agenda item 6b
064801533.pdf064801533MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7b
E&O agenda item 7bEngineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7b
064801523.pdf064801523MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 6a
E&O agenda item 6aEngineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 6a
064801563.pdf064801563MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to A&E agenda item 4a
A&E agenda item 4aAudit and Ethics Committee
presentation related to A&E agenda item 4a
064801529.pdf064801529MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7-5
E&O agenda item 7-5Engineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7-5
064801539.pdf064801539MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 8-4
E&O agenda item 8-4Engineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 8-4
064801541.pdf064801541MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 8-5
E&O agenda item 8-5Engineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 8-5
064801569.pdf064801569MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to Bay-Delta agenda item 3b
Bay-Delta agenda item 3bSpecial Committee on Bay-Delta
presentation related to Bay-Delta agenda item 3b
064801559.pdf064801559MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to WP&S agenda item 7-2
WP&S agenda item 7-2Water Planning and Stewardship Committee
presentation related to WP&S agenda item 7-2
064801573.pdf064801573MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to RP&AM agenda item 7-1
RP&AM agenda item 7-1Real Property and Asset Management Committee
presentation related to RP&AM agenda item 7-1
064801557.pdf064801557MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to WP&S agenda item 7-1
WP&S agenda item 7-1Water Planning and Stewardship Committee
presentation related to WP&S agenda item 7-1
064801555.pdf064801555MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to OP&T agenda item 7-6
OP&T agenda item 7-6Organization, Personnel and Technology Committee
presentation related to OP&T agenda item 7-6
064801565.pdf064801565MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to A&E agenda item 8-1
A&E agenda item 8-1Audit and Ethics Committee
presentation related to A&E agenda item 8-1
064801527.pdf064801527MWD/Board of Directors
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7-4
E&O agenda item 7-4Engineering and Operations Committee
presentation related to E&O agenda item 7-4