Additional Comments
Board Letter064825535.pdf
Mid-cycle Biennial Budget ReviewMWD/Board of Directors
9-1Board of Directors^Finance and Insurance Committee
Board Letter064825523.pdf
Authorize increase in change order authority for construction contracts at the Joseph Jensen Water Treatment Plant and the Etiwanda PipelineMWD/Board of Directors
7-2Board of Directors^Engineering and Operations Committee
Board Letter064825525.pdf
Appropriate $27.4 million, award contract to rehabilitate the east treatment basins at the Robert B. Diemer Water Treatment Plant; authorize agreement for environmental services; and increase O&M expenditures for environmental remediationMWD/Board of Directors
8-1Board of Directors^Engineering and Operations Committee
Board Letter064825527.pdf
Appropriate $2.35 million and award $1,292,000 contract to Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. to replace hydraulic gates at the F. E. Weymouth Water Treatment PlantMWD/Board of Directors
8-2Board of Directors^Engineering and Operations Committee
Board Letter064825521.pdf
Appropriate $1.8 million; and authorize preliminary design of reliability improvements to the Sepulveda Canyon Control FacilityMWD/Board of Directors
7-1Board of Directors^Engineering and Operations Committee
Board Letter064825537.pdf
Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration for planned upgrades to Palos Verdes ReservoirMWD/Board of Directors
7-3Board of Directors^Engineering and Operations Committee
Board Letter064825529.pdf
Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration for planned upgrades to Palos Verdes ReservoirMWD/Board of Directors
8-3Board of Directors^Engineering and Operations Committee
Board Letter064825531.pdf
Adopt a resolution authorizing the reimbursement with bond proceeds of the costs of Capital Investment Plan Projects funded from the General Fund and Replacement and Refurbishment Fund up to $300 millionMWD/Board of Directors
8-4Board of Directors^Finance and Insurance Committee