Additional Comments
Board Letter064679380.pdf
Status report for the Inland Feeder Program for activities through July 2008MWD/Board of Directors
9-1Board of Directors^Engineering and Capital Programs Committee
20089/9/200809 - Sept
Board Letter064679378.pdf
Report on Central Basin Municipal Water District v. Metropolitan Water District, LASC Case No. BS114382; and authorize increase of $525,000 payable under contract with Bingham McCutchen to defend MetropolitanMWD/Board of Directors
8-4Board of Directors^Legal and Human Resources Committee
20089/9/200809 - Sept
Board Letter064679382.pdf
Proposed Changes to the Interim Agricultural Water ProgramMWD/Board of Directors
9-2Board of Directors^Water Planning and Stewardship Committee
20089/9/200809 - Sept
Board Letter064679362.pdf
Final report on list of certified assessed valuations for fiscal year 2008/09 and tabulation of assessed valuations, percentage participation, and vote entitlement of member public agencies as of August 18, 2008MWD/Board of Directors
5HBoard of Directors^Business and Finance Committee
20089/9/200809 - Sept
Board Letter064679376.pdf
Authorize executing a wheeling and exchange agreement with the San Diego County Water Authority for 2008 Central Valley TransfersMWD/Board of Directors
8-3Board of Directors^Water Planning and Stewardship Committee
20089/9/200809 - Sept
Board Letter064679366.pdf
Authorize change order for the Sepulveda Feeder Repairs construction contractMWD/Board of Directors
7-2Board of Directors^Engineering and Capital Programs Committee
20089/9/200809 - Sept
Board Letter064679368.pdf
Approve amendments to the Metropolitan Water District Administrative Code to conform to current laws and practices and make correctionsMWD/Board of Directors
7-3Board of Directors^Legal and Human Resources Committee
20089/9/200809 - Sept
Board Letter064679370.pdf
Appropriate $3.45 million; and authorize five rehabilitation projects at the Robert B. Diemer Water Treatment PlantMWD/Board of Directors
8-1Board of Directors^Engineering and Capital Programs Committee
20089/9/200809 - Sept
Board Letter064679374.pdf
Appropriate $10.54 million for Jensen Solids Thickeners Nos. 5 and 6; authorize preparation of environmental documentation and professional agreements for the Jensen Solids Dewatering Facility and Lagoons projectMWD/Board of Directors
8-2Board of Directors^Engineering and Capital Programs Committee
20089/9/200809 - Sept
Board Letter064679364.pdf
Adopt final resolution for annexation and impose water standby charge for Annexation No. 93 to Calleguas Municipal Water District and to MetropolitanMWD/Board of Directors
7-1Board of Directors^Business and Finance Committee
20089/9/200809 - Sept